Manufacturer: Bauscher Brothers
User: The Cliff House
Distributor: J. M. Wilkins
Date of plate: 1903
Notes: This well-known San Francisco landmark had a very interesting and colorful beginning. In 1858, Samuel Brannan bought for $1,500 the lumber salvaged from a ship that foundered on the basalt cliffs below the Cliff House. With this material he built the First Cliff House.
The second Cliff House was rebuilt in 1864, with wings added to the original structure. On January 17, 1887, the north wing was blown off when the schooner Parallel, laden with dynamite, crashed on the rocked below. This structure was later destroyed by fire.
The third Cliff House was an ornate 7-story frame building. It was built in 1896 by the late Adolph Sutro, "King of the Comstock Mines." On September 7, 1907, this building was completely destroyed by fire.
The fourth Cliff House, built in 1909, was constructed of concrete and steel. Mr. George Whitney purchased and completely renovated the Cliff House and opened it on August 5, 1937.
The fifth Cliff House, which is the present structure, was completed in 1950. A new dining room known as the Pacific Room was added to the spacious Marine Dining Room. On the second floor a lovely banquet room, to accommodate large gatherings, was added, and is known as the Sunset room. The Sequoia Cocktail Lounge has a wonderful view of the Pacific and Seal Rocks. The exterior is finished in California Redwood and red brick. This Landmark restaurant was obtained by the National Park Service in 1977 an is now part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area.
Click here for a slide show of The Cliff House with historical photos dating back to 1863.
White body dinner plate with blue band and black outline on rim, broken by an elaborate rendering of the 3rd Cliff House and Seal Rocks in shades of grey.
For related info:
Cliff House by McNicol China
Cliff House 2 by Bauscher Brothers
Cliff House 4 by Syracuse Chin
Photos and additional ID info contributed by dbstoneware