Manufacturer: Buffalo China
User: Buffalo Christmas Advertising Plates
Date of plates: 1950 to 1960
Notes: Buffalo China produced a series of annual Christmas plates starting in 1950, which continued even after the sale to Oneida in 1983 and on into the 21st century. Starting in 1953, some of the plates (as shown in the grouping above) where based on scenes from Charles Dickens's "A Christmas Carol," and the designs were executed by Buffalo artist Rix Jennings.
These plates would have been given to distributors and customers of Buffalo China during the holiday season.
Following is a description of the 1951 plate: White body 9 ¾" plate with a green line drawing of three children sledding down a hill. In a circular motif around this center drawing are the words "Season's Greetings" along with some Christmas bells and at the bottom the date "1951."
1951 plate photos: Kathleen Perrin
Author: Ed Phillips