Manufacturer: Syracuse China
User: California Club – Los Angles, California
Date of ice cream shell: September 1920
Date of sauce boat: June 1982
Notes: The California Club, located at 538 South Fowler Street in Los Angeles, is an invitation-only private club that was incorporated on Dec. 24, 1888. According to the Los Angeles Times, "The people who run Los Angeles belong to the Jonathan Club; the people who own Los Angeles belong to the California Club."
According to Wikipedia: "The California Club maintains a mandatory requirement that all new members wishing to gain entry must receive invitations from no less than six existing club members, pass a series of interviews by the club's membership committee and undergo additional background and reference checks in order to obtain admission."
Since its founding, the club has had at least four locations. Its current location (2023) at 538 Fowler Street was built in 1930 and was designed by architect Robert D. Farquhar. It is considered one of his most important buildings and was listed on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places in 2010.
According to the National Park Service: "The Italian Renaissance Revival style building, with its setbacks and tower, was among the largest buildings in the immediate area when the site was chosen. Elements like the private forecourt, which partially shields the front entrance and first floor, provides the club with a sense of privacy and understated design."
Again from Wikipedia: "At various times in its history, the California Club was accused of discrimination against women, African Americans, Jews, and other minorities. In a vote taken in June 1987, 90 percent of the voting members favored admitting women. In addition, the Los Angeles City Council in May 1987 voted 12-0 to ban discriminatory practices at institutions in Los Angeles like the California Club. Since that time, the club has maintained a non-discriminatory policy for admission to membership."
White body vitrified china with a fancy scrolling ornamental border in green. The crest of the California Club is placed at the top of each piece and consists of an inverted triangular shape in green with fancy scrolls and stylized flowers around the outside. In the center of the crest are the letters "CC" in a fancy script font.
Califorina Club website
Sauce boat photos: Jim Lalonde
Ice cream shell photos: Marge Barner
ID and playing cards photo: Christopher Riggs
Author: Ed Phillips