Manufacturer: Wallace China
Pattern: Chuck Wagon
Distributor of platter: El Paso Hotel Supply Co., El Paso, TX
Date of plate: 1956; date of platter: 1940s – 1950s
Notes: The Chuck Wagon pattern is found in two color combinations. Shown here is a tan body with a rust transfer, of which the best example is the plate photo. This design can also be found on a white body, though the white-bodied pieces typically are not backmarked Wallace China.
The design includes a scene of cowboys surrounding a campfire while stirring up their evening grub; a chuck wagon holds their supplies. Horses are grazing nearby, cactus and mountains complete the picture. Branding iron designs are found on most pieces either above the scene, down a handle, around a lid, or as the ONLY indication of the pattern, as in the gravy boat shown above.
Photos of plate contributed by Lindy Taylor