Manufacturer: Mayer China
User: Flagship Restaurant
Date of platter: 1951
Notes: Believed to have been used at the Flagship Restaurant located at 951 Maine Ave., S.W. Washington, D.C.
According to the restaurant postcard below, the Flagship was one of Washington's oldest waterfront restaurants; it was "Air-Conditioned – 500 Seats. All meals cooked to order, by a staff of the best trained sea food chefs in America. Steaks and chicken also served. World-famous for fine Sea-lected foods. Six dining areas. The Flagship Room shown, has a built-in boat, on which you may dine. Reservations RE 7-8683."
White body with airbrushed blue band and dark red line around the verge. Topmarked "Flagship" in dark red with the outline of an anchor behind the word.
Postcard courtesy of Jordan's What Makes the Pie Shops Tick?