Manufacturer: Jackson China
User: G. K. Coffee House
Distributor: W.H. Davenhall, Boston, Mass.
Date: Pre-1920
Notes: Per RWCN member lmfish06, the coffee house was located in Taunton, Mass., and was owned by J. Garfield Geddis and Mark W. Knowlton, whose last names would have been the inspiration for the shop's name.
A U.S. Patent Office application was filed Oct. 29, 1928, serial no. 274,448, though the trademark (shown above) is not a match for this plate. However, it is valuable because it shows the company's location as 16 1/2 Taunton Green in Taunton and dates the first use of the trademark to Jan. 1. 1924.
The plate has three green lines, a wider one near the edge of the plate and two narrow lines mid-rim that are intersected by the logo, which is a steaming coffee pot with the letters G.K. and below, Coffee House in all caps, all in green.
Photo contributed by kathleen
ID contributed by kathleen and lmfish06