Manufacturer: Mayer China and Buffalo China
User: The Georgian Bay Line
Pattern name: Duluth
Date of Mayer bouillon cup: 1959
Date of Buffalo plate: 1967
Notes: The Georgian Bay Line was the common name for the Chicago, Duluth and Georgian Bay Transit Company that provided transit service and cruise voyages to passengers on North America's Great Lakes. The company was formed in 1913 and continued until 1967. Click here for more information about The Georgian Bay Line.
White body, off-white body with a burgundy rim line border and a teal green mid-line, interrupted by a burgundy logo featuring a ship's wheel encircling an anchor and two ships. Below the ship's wheel are three birds to the left of a pennant lettered: The Georgian Bay Line.
ID and Mayer photos contributed by itsagas
Plate photos contributed by Cameron Scholes
Pattern ID contributed by Kathleen