Manufacturer: McNicol China
User: Jackson's Mill – WV State 4-H Conference Center
Date of platter: circa 1940s – circa 1960s
Notes: Located near Weston, WV, Jackson's Mill was built by Edward Jackson in 1808, with ownership passing to his son, Cummins Jackson, after his death. In 1830, Cummins Jackson's niece and nephew, Laura Ann and Thomas, came to live with him at Jackson's Mill after the death of their brother.
Young Thomas Jackson worked at the mill and on local farms until he was appointed to West Point in 1842. He later became an instructor at the Virginia Military Institute and a General in the Confederate Army during the Civil War, and is more commonly known today as "Stonewall" Jackson.
The original mill burnt down and was rebuilt in 1841, and it is that structure that is depicted on the platter.
The Jackson's Mill property was deeded to the State of West Virginia in 1921 and became the first State 4-H Camp in the country. It is now operated by West Virginia University as the WVU Center for Lifelong Learning and State 4-H Camp.
Body color white, green mill building and trees with 4-H clover at the bottom of the design.
For additional info:
Jackson's Mill at West Virginia University