Manufacturer: Mayer China
User: Massachusetts Masonic Home
Distributor: Mitchell, Woodbury Co.
Date of platter: Pre-1942
Notes: In 1908 the Overlook Hotel was purchased by the Mount Hope Masonic Lodge of Fall River, Massachusetts which became the first Masonic Home for the aging. On May 25, 1911, the Masonic Home was opened and dedicated. By 1914, the Home was near its capacity of 48 residents. It is now the Overlook Masonic Health Center, Charlton, Mass., and cares for Massachusetts Masons, their wives and widows. The huge campus covers 450 acres with many buildings and homes.
White body with green bands on rim broken by a laurel wreath with the Masonic square and compass above and a circle with Massachusetts Masonic Home inside the wreath.
ID and photos contributed by dbstoneware