Manufacturer: TEPCO
Pattern: Modoc
Date of soup plate: 1930s – 1960s
Notes: Per a 1970s Tepco catalog, the inspiration for this pattern was "Modoc … a North American Indian Tribe which had lived in the southwestern part of Oregon. This tribe was constantly in a state of hostility toward the whites and after being segregated on the Klamath Reservation attempted to return to their original dislikes, causing the Modoc War of 1872-1873. After this war the tribe was divided, part being placed on the Quapaw Reservation in Indian Territory and part on the Klamath Reservation.
"The first order 'Tepco China' sold of this pattern was shipped to Modoc County, California, thus causing them to name this design 'Modoc.' This 'Modoc Pattern' executed with smart simplicity, it is equally at home in most modern interiors."
White body with ornamental, floral border in more commonly deep green or red.
Marc: ID and example in red
Susan Phillips: example in green