Manufacturer: Sterling China
User: The Oyster Loaf
Date of saucer: 1930s – 1950s
Notes: The Oyster Loaf was located at 30 Kearny Street, San Francisco, Calif. Click here for photos from the San Francisco Public Library.
There were Oyster Loaf venues all over California. A well-known one was located on Eddy Street around the turn of the 20th century. It was destroyed in the 1906 earthquake, moved to nearby Oakland and returned to San Francisco. It closed in 1923, a victim of Prohibition. There is no reason at this time to believe that the Kearny Street restaurant was related to this one. The matches at the bottom of this page feature The Talk O' the Town on Grant Avenue. No record has been found of that establishment.
The oyster loaf apparently is to residents of San Francisco and Louisiana what the lobster (lobstah) roll is to residents of Maine: manna from heaven, hence this tribute, "Singing the praises of the oyster loaf: Our Oyster Loaf," from the Sept. 4, 1927 Oakland Tribune:
The pattern shows a mermaid in teal green riding a red lobster. A red band and teal green line circle each piece.