Manufacturer: Shenango China, Buffalo China
User: Public Health Service
Date of Shenango platter: 1912 – 1920s
Date of Buffalo platter (Albert Pick & Co. distributor): Pre-1926
Notes: The Public Health Service had its beginnings in 1798 with the passage of an act that provided for the care and relief of sick and injured merchant seamen. Marine hospitals were located on the East Coast, with Boston being the first. It has grown from a small collection of marine hospitals to the largest public health program in the world.
White body with red and green pinstripe border, topmarked with the Public Health Service seal in green. The Shenango backstamp is not shown above, but Buffalo also made the same pattern and we have included its backstamp.
For additional information about the Public Health Service:…hs_history.pdf
For a different Public Health Service pattern by Syracuse China:
U.S. Public Health Service
ID and Shenango photos: reddygal
Buffalo backstamp: Charles H. Sovine