Manufacturer: Jackson China
User: Scheidel's Bavaria Restaurant
Distributor: Kalberer Hotel Supply Company
Pattern: Alaskan
Date of examples: circa 1960 -1970
Notes: Located at 2764 Fulton Avenue in Sacramento, Calif., the restaurant later became Scheidel's Old European Restaurant. By 2010, the restaurant had relocated to Taylor Shopping Center. It is not known when Scheidel's closed.
White body with airbrushed mountain scene and two large evergreen trees, customized with the "Scheidel's Bavaria" topmark of the logo in gray of the restaurant's exterior and a large glass mug of frothy beer in the foreground. It is not known if all the Alaskan pattern china used at the restaurant contained the "Scheidel's Bavaria" topmark; the unmarked pieces shown above were all bought together with the marked ones.
Jackson China 1960 Catalog
For additional info:
Alaskan Pattern by Jackson China
ID: Dick Bond
China photos: Tom Willis