Manufacturer: Carr China Company
User: Sherman's Restaurant
Date of pitcher: circa 1936 – 1952
Notes: There are lots of Sherman's Restaurants, but our practice is to look for those that were located the closest to Grafton and research them first to see if they might be a match. In this case, friends Larry Paul and Roland Burritt both found newspaper clippings from the Charlestoon Daily Mail in 1936 and 1936 (shown above) that place a Sherman's Restaurant at 1602 Washington Street.
An excerpt from one of the clippings describes the restaurant's colors as greens and orchid, and with its bright green and burgundy stripes, it looks like this unusual combination was designed for Sherman's: "Sherman's Restaurant 1602 Washington Street, is nice and newly decorated in gay brightness. … These modern decorators do things with colors these days. The restaurant runs riot in greens and orchid (color), the floor is in harmonizing shades, and, the light fixtures are of the kind that sheds the glow over the entire room."
Susan and Ed Phillips