Manufacturer: Shenango China
User: States Restaurant – Philadelphia
Distributor: L. Barth & Son – New York
Date of platter: circa 1920s – 1930s
Notes: States Restaurant and Cafeteria on Chestnut and 12th Streets in Philadelphia opened on October 14, 1921. According to an ad in the Philadelphia Evening Public Ledger the day before, it offered the "best wholesome food at popular prices – and the highest standard of service. A delicatessen, pastry and fruit department is part of this most modern restaurant and cafeteria in the United States."
It is not known when the restaurant closed, but the last mention found was for an American Legion Post's monthly luncheon held there in December 1923.
White body platter with a black chain pattern around the center of the rim. This chain is broken at the top of the platter with the restaurant's logo, which consists of a shield with a stylized Old English letter "S" in the center. Curved over the top of the letter "S" are the words "State's Restaurant" in small black block letters. Please note that this is not the first occurrence of a spelling/punctuation difference between china topmarks and ads for a particular restaurant or hotel. Under the shield is a ribbon with the words "The Sign of Quality" in black block letters.
Philadelphia Evening Public Ledger – various articles
Author: Ed Phillips