Manufacturer: Jackson China
Name of user: Tau Kappa Epsilon – fraternity
Date of platter: 1959
Notes: From the Wikipedia: "Tau Kappa Epsilon (ΤΚΕ), commonly known as ΤΚΕ or Teke, is a social college fraternity founded on January 10, 1899, at Illinois Wesleyan University. The organization has chapters throughout the United States and Canada, making the Fraternity an international organization. Since its founding in 1899, Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity has never had an exclusionary or discriminatory clause to prevent individuals from joining and has instead admitted members based on their 'personal worth and character.' As of spring 2024, there are 209 active ΤΚΕ chapters and colonies with over 301,000-lifetime members."
Fraternity colors are crimson lake cherry and silver gray, and we imagine that Jackson came as close as they could to match that mystery color with their red lines and TKE topmark placed on a white clay body.
Photos and ID: Robin Wheeler Carnill