Manufacturer: Scammell China
User: Westbrook Sanatorium
Distributor: Ezekeil & Weilman Co., Richmond, VA
Date of platter: 1928-circa 1930
Notes: Westbrook Sanatorium, Richmond, Va., started in 1911 as a 135-bed hospital for the treatment of nervous and mental disorders and alchoholic and drug habituation as well as a retreat. It was founded by psychiatrist James King Hall who was also director of the facility until 1918.
The first building was the renovated mansion of Richmond millionaire and philanthropist Major Lewis Ginter (American Tobacco Company).
The sanatorium was located on 30 lushly landscaped acres consisting of seven buildings, some segregated as to men or women, as well as cottages with four to 12 rooms each.
The modern facility, for the most part, had hot and cold running water, electricity, call bells and other amenities. It also served as a Diploma Nursing School from 1912 until 1936.
The original building was torn down in 1975 to make way for the Westbrook Psychiatric Hospital which was the state's oldest psychiatric hospital when it was closed in 1999.
Lamberton China white body with border of black urns and vine flourishes, thin black lines, and a crest with black circle, white cross, and triangle bearing the institution's name.