Manufacturer: Syracuse China
User: Chicken in the Rough
Date of mug: 1950
Notes: The story goes, in the 1930's Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Osborne drove from Oklahoma to California and Mrs. Osborne had fried chicken for the trip (which was very common in those days). As the couple was eating the chicken along side the highway between California and Oklahoma, Mr. Osborne told his wife, "This is chicken in the rough." When they returned to Oklahoma, they started Beverly Osborne's Drive-In and used the famous trademark of the chicken with a cigar holding a golf club. In 1936, they sold their famous trade-mark logo and recipe and it went nationwide as a franchise.
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Adobe Ware body, topmarked with the "Chicken in the Rough" logo of a colorful rooster wearing a 1930s-style golfer vest and knickers, swinging a golfclub with one leg and carrying a set of golf clubs on his back.
See also:
Martin's by Iroquois China