Manufacturer: Maddock & Sons – England
User: Key Route Inn – Oakland, California
Pattern: Althea
Distributor: Han Dohrman Company – San Francisco
Date of plate: circa 1907 – 1930
Notes: From Wikipedia: "The Key Route Inn was a major hotel in Oakland, California in the early decades of the 20th century. The Inn opened on May 7, 1907, straddling what is now Grand Avenue along the west side of Broadway. President William Howard Taft and his party were guests in 1909. The building was a massive wood-framed structure with open timbering, in imitation of an old English style. One of its most remarkable features was a large archway and corridor through which the tracks of one of the Key Route's transbay lines passed. A Key Route stop in this corridor connected to the hotel's main lobby.
"The Key Route Inn suffered major fire damage on September 8, 1930. This, combined with the beginning of the Great Depression and the City of Oakland's desire to connect Grand Avenue with 22nd Street led to the Inn being fully demolished in April and May 1932, only 25 years after it opened."
White body vitrified china plate with Maddock & Sons Althea pattern in green on the rim. In the center of the well, in a slight arch are the words "Key Route" in a green bold font. Stacked below the words "Key Route" and separated by a dingbat is the word "Inn" also in green.
For additional info:
Key Route Inn – Oakland by William Guerin & Co., Limoges, France
Plate photos: Jayne KauzLoric
Author: Ed Phillips