Manufacturer: Syracuse China
User: Kloeber Sanatorium
Date of plate: 1902
Note: Located at the Green River Hot Springs, east of Enumclaw, Washington, the Kloeber was a large sanatorium developed in 1900 by J. S. Kloeber, M.D. Click here to see an early advertisement dating to 1901.
Another early advertisement (shown below) from the Pacific Monthly stated: "Development of The Kloeber has reached a degree of excellency that places it superior to any place of the kind in the West and amongst the leading health resorts of the world. Steam heated and electric lighted throughout, with all the approved appointments of modern institutions. It is an ideal place for those desiring either rest, the restoration of health and strength or merely pleasure."
The town was first settled by the Northern Pacific Railway in 1886, approximately 63 miles from Seattle, WA. The Kloeber was built around the Hot Springs and had a capacity of 225 guests, overseen by two doctors.
According to The Oakland Tribune news article shown below, a forest fire destroyed the sanatorium on August 20, 1910, just days after Dr. J.S. Kloeber sold the property to North Yakima for $145,000.
White body with gray green garlands of bell flowers and other flowers. In the well of the plate is a sprite or angel standing on a dais with the initials JSK (for J. S. Kloeber, M.D.) entertwined and "The Spirit of the Springs" on the bottom of the dais. Below that is The Kloeber and Green River Hot Springs.
To learn even more about Kloeber, click here to read our article in Iconic Establishments.
ID and Photos submitted by dbstoneware