Manufacturer: Carr China Company
User: Order of the Eastern Star
Date of examples: 1946-1947
Notes: From the Wikipedia: "The Order of the Eastern Star is a Masonic appendant body open to both men and women. It was established in 1850 by lawyer and educator Rob Morris, a noted Freemason, but was only adopted and approved as an appendant body of the Masonic Fraternity in 1873. The order is based on teachings from the Bible but is open to people of all religious beliefs. It has approximately 10,000 chapters in twenty countries and approximately 500,000 members under its General Grand Chapter."
Within the pentagram of the topmark (click detail photo to see larger image), there are the letters that spell FATAL, which stands for Fairest Among Thousands, Altogether Lovely, a reference to Song of Songs. Within the most central pentragram you can see the Masons' compass and square.
We show three examples, the plate in plain green-line and the large open sugar and creamer in color. It is not known what chapters they were used at.
Susan and Ed Phillips