Manufacturer: Mayer China
User: Roosevelt Hotel – Cedar Rapids, IA
Date of pitcher: 1965
Notes: Located at 200 First Avenue, N.E., in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the 300-room, 12-story, Hotel Roosevelt opened in 1928.
Over the years, The Roosevelt was the home of the Kiwanis Club, Quota Club, Lions Club, Pilot Club, Executives Breakfast Club, and the Business and Professional Women's Club; 'The Farm House' for famous Iowa foods and the Piccadilly Tavern for dining and dancing.
In 1963, a multi-level parking garage was added to the side of the hotel.
By 1968, it became the Roosevelt Motor Hotel. "Now drive in to the Roosevelt's new high rise parking ramp, register, then proceed in your car to the level of your rooms. Unlimited in and out, free of course. The unique concept of at vertical motel right in the Heart of Downtown Cedar Rapids."
In the mid-1980s, floors 1 – 9 were hotel rooms and floors 10 – 12 were apartments. By 1992, about half of the hotel had been renovated to apartments, and by 1997 there were 100 efficiency, 1 & 2 bedroom apartments in the Roosevelt Apartments.
In 2008, Minneapolis developer George Sherman undertook a $7.7 million project to purchase and renovate the Roosevelt Apartments. The historic building then suffered from the severe June 2008 flood, which caused more than $1 billion total damage in Cedar Rapids.
With extensive renovations after the 2008 flood, the former hotel reopened as The Roosevelt Lofts in 2010, offering low-income apartment housing.
Larry Paul's 20th Century Hotel Research Database
Hotel Red Books
"Minneapolis developer makes his first move in downtown; readies to buy The Roosevelt and renovate it," Eye on the Island, May 27, 2008
"The Roosevelt is renovated, back in downtown Cedar Rapids," The Gazette, Rick Smith, September 21, 2010
White body, 3.25" pitcher. Grey line around top and spout with a grey rose and leaves on each side.
For additional info:
Roosevelt Hotel 2 – Cedar Rapids by Scammell China
ID and photos contributed by dbstoneware