Manufacturer: Buffalo China
User: Schroeder Hotels
Distributor: Albert Pick and Co. Inc., Chicago, Illinois
Date of plate: 1930s
Notes: This plate would have been used at one of the following of the nine-hotel Schroeder Hotel chain:
Wisconsin – Astor Hotel, Milwaukee; Northland Hotel, Green Bay; Loraine Hotel, Madison; Retlaw, Fond du Lac; Calumet Hotel, Fond du Lac; Schroeder Hotel, Milwaukee;
Minnesota – Wausau Hotel, Wausau; Duluth Hotel, Duluth; and
Michigan – Vincent Hotel, Benton Harbor.
For related info:
Schroeder Hotels by Shenango China
Schroeder Hotels 2 by Bauscher Brothers
Schroeder Hotels 3 by Bauscher Brothers
White body with yellow rim and dark red thin line on verge – Old Parchment yellow Colorido Lamelle.