Manufacturer: Greenwood Pottery
User: United States Hotel
Date of pitcher: 1890s – 1910
Notes: The United States Hotel was opened in 1824 and became one of the finest hotels in Boston, Massachusetts. It was originally called the City Hotel, then South Cover Hotel, and in the period between 1870 – 1880, became the United States Hotel. The hotel was located at the intersection of Lincoln, Kingston and Beach Streets.
In 1879, Tilly Haynes took over as the hotel proprietor and passed away at the hotel on August 10, 1901 at the age of 73. Click here for more information about prominent Boston citizen and Massachusetts State Senator Tilly Haynes.
The 6 3/8" tall by 7" wide pitcher features a highly detailed large image of Boston and the Boston Harbor with time period ships coming into port and the buildings of Boston in the foreground. The belt logo reads "United States Hotel"- "Boston – U.S.A."-"Tilly – Haynes."
For related info:
United States Hotel 2
Broadway Central Hotel
Broadway Central Hotel 2
Pitcher photos contributed by Patrick Carie
ID & additional photos contributed by floralady