Manufacturer: Syracuse China User: Acacia Country Club Rim Pattern: Encanto Date of plate: 1926 Notes: This private country club was organized on 200 acres of farmland in Lyndhurst, Ohio, in 1920. A temporary golf course opened in 1922 and the championship 18-hole course (designed by Donald Ross) opened three
- April 10, 2020
Manufacturer: John Maddock & Sons Ltd. User: Abraham Lincoln Hotel Date of plate: 1929 Notes: Located at Fifth and Washington streets in Reading, Penn., the 16-story, 300-room hotel opened its doors in 1930. It was home to the Lincoln Room, the English Lounge, Coffee House and the Old English
- April 10, 2020
Manufacturer: Bauscher Brothers User: Unknown Date of cup: 1945-1949 Notes: The topmark ABH is on the side of the cup directly opposite the handle. This cup has the Bauscher Weiden mark that includes "US Zone Germany." There is the possibility of a link to Arnold Bernstein, Hamburg. There is also
- April 9, 2020
Manufacturer: Wellsville China User: A. Sabella's Distributor: Royal Supply Co. Date of cup and saucer: Unknown Notes: Four generations of the Sabella family owned or worked in businesses at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco, including an early fish store from 1920 until their last business, the restaurant A.
- April 9, 2020
Manufacturer: Maddock Pottery Co. Possible user: Aviation Country Club of Detroit Distributor: American China and Glassware Co., Chicago Date of samples: 1920 Notes: This pattern, with examples backstamped either for Lamberton China or with an impressed Trenton China mark, has been researched off and on for many years with
- March 31, 2020