Manufacturer: Syracuse China
User: Mark Twain Hotel
Date of egg cup: 1948
Notes: This 200-room hotel was built circa 1935 at 111 West Division Street in Chicago, IL. Each HRB carries the same ad with a picture of Mark Twain on the ad. We were unable to find the Mark Twain listed in any HRB after 1959 or any other hotel at 111 West Division Street. A call to the manager in 2006 confirmed that the building still stands and is rented out as a single room occupancy residence hotel.
For related info:
Mark Twain Hotel by Shenango China
Oxford pattern by Syracuse, also used at Elmira's Mark Twain Hotel
Mark Twain Hotel 2 by Scammell China
Steamboat Cabin Coffee Shop by Scammell China
Mark Twain Manor by Walker China
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