Manufacturer: Shenango China
User Name: Shamrock Hilton Hotel
Date of soup plate: 1964 (backstamp N-22)
Notes: In 1954, the Hilton Hotel Corporation assumed management of the Shamrock Hilton in Houston, Texas and purchased it one year later. The hotel operated as the Shamrock Hilton Hotel for over three decades. The hotel endured financial struggles throughout its history, and in 1985, Hilton Hotels donated the building to the Texas Medical Center. The structure was demolished on June 1, 1987. The logo shown below was used after the Shamrock Hotel in Houston, Texas became the Shamrock Hilton Hotel. Also see: Hilton Hotel Overview
Off-white body with golden outer & inner rim line border, topmarked with a laurel leaf wreath logo around the script letters "SH" and a five-point star above the letters.
For related info:
Shamrock Hotel
Shamrock Hotel 2
Shamrock Hotel 3
Shamrock Hotel 4
Hilton Hotel Overview